Saturday, May 03, 2008

In the May issue of Mothering magazine there's a lovely little review of What I Be. (pg 87) They also used an image from the book to open the article. Very nice. AND...this issue contains a great interview with Ani Difranco. How awesome is that!?!


Petite G. said...

Did you draw the opening pic in the article on Mothering? I get that mag and i loved it. Just wondering if you are available for commission? I'd love a mural done on my children's walls. I have a 13 , 11 and 2 year old.

Come over and visit when you get a chance.


Ben Hodson said...

Hi Jillian,
I'm so happy you enjoyed my art..and that's a really nice offer to do a mural for your kids. I would love to, but my days are pretty much filled with work and playing with my baby daughter.
Thanks for thinking of me!

jesse joshua watson said...

just readin it to Taj and Finlay today. We all love the book, King.